Make getting to work safe and comfortable with a high-quality used ute or van from Commercials on Kaikorai

If you’re a tradie, road worker or delivery driver or you just want to get out on the roads at weekends, at Commercials on Kaikorai, we’ve got a used ute or van for sale that suits your needs. We get all the popular makes and models through our doors for sale including Toyota Hiluxes, Holden Colorados and Isuzu D-Maxes and Hyundai iLoads and Toyata Hiaces. Single cab, double cab, flat deck, 4x4 - whatever ute you want we can supply it.

If you don’t want to buy outright we have great finance for second hand vans and utes and we can also offer insurance options.

Contact us today to enquire about your chosen vehicle or complete our trade in form and get a price to trade in your existing van or ute.

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Daniel Harvey Manager 021 3333 73 021 3333 73
Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, Saturday By Appointment, Sunday By Appointment
